Veneporte dedicates to the development, production, and commercialization of the different exhaust system components (catalytic converters, particulate filters, SCRs, and silencers) for the different automobile vehicles.
Amongst the best in its sector, VENEPORTE uses the most advanced technology in its production process, aiming to reach an even bigger competitive capacity and a permanent reinforcement of the product quality and service level to all its customers.
A testimony of dedication, effort, and confidence that we inspire in everything that we do.
The constant innovation, the used technology, and the incorporated materials are the ensure of a high-quality product, very similar to the original.
Founded in 1966, with the productive activity beginning in 1967, Veneporte has its headquarters and main productive unity located in Águeda, Aveiro district, Portugal, currently disposing of 25.000m2 of covered facilities implanted in an area of 50.000m2.
The 70’s decade constitutes a phase of important growth to the company, particularly boosted by the protectionism that the Automobile Industry Compensation Law, at that time in force in Portugal, allowed. Such fact enabled Veneporte to be the supplier of almost every OEM and OES supplier, installed in Portugal at that time.
It was also in this decade that Veneporte started the pipe production, not only to be incorporated in the exhausts but also to be commercialized.
The 80’s decade was marked by two phases particularly distinct:
The market’s opening also implied a bigger exposure to competitors, with a lot of implications to the company.
The 90’s decade was marked by a complete change in the actionist structure (December 1991).
By that time, the new actionists approved the implementation of an important company restructuring plan, highlighting the equipment and facilities improvement, but mainly the reorganization of the different company’s processes.
As a consequence of the different investments made, as well as the new company’s strategy, Veneporte was able to acquire (at the Beginning of 1996) a certification according to the norm NP EN ISO 9002:1995, by de I.P.Q (Portuguese Institution of Quality). Later, in 1998, obtained the same certification by TÜV. In that same year, the society was transformed into Anonymous Society.
In this decade, Veneporte continued recording important growths in its activity.
In 2003 obtained the certification of its Quality Management System, according to the new reference NP EN 9001:2000 (TÜV and APCER).
The year 2004 was marked by an important reinforcement of the company’s internationalization process, as well as the fortification of the connections with clients like Fiat, Lancia and Alfa Romeu, Mitsubishi and Toyota, and an important actionist structure concentration.
2008 was marked by the beginning of IVECO’s supplying (OEM and OES).
In 2009 Veneporte was nominated as Peugeot/Citroën official supplier for OES and Eurorepar projects, as well as Volkswagen’s in Germany for TVP Polo ad TVP Golf projects. Yet, at the ending of 2009, it was celebrated the official supplying agreement to GAU Group – France, with the beginning of supplying still in that year.
The start of this decade was marked by the nomination as Renault's (OEM and Motrio) official supplier and the start of new OEM projects with Mitsubishi (MFTE).
In 2011, the company obtained certification according to the norm ISO/TS 16949, achieving a credibility reinforcement together with all its clients, mainly the OEM and OES.
2012 was marked by the attribution of a PSA’s award to Veneporte, due to its high performance, as well as its excellent logistics fulfillment. That year was also marked by an important investment in the development and production of catalytic converters range, increasing the company’s business possibilities.
In 2013 obtained Volkswagen’s certification, according to the norm VDA6.3.
The year 2014 was marked by the continuous reinforcement of the catalytic converters and silencers range, as well as the start of particulate filter range development.
In the year 2015, there was a strong investment in the reinforcement of the company’s internationalization.
In 2016, acquires the status of “Approved Business Partner” from Grupauto International.
In 2017, provided to the aftermarket its first references of catalytic converters with Euro 5 technology. Also, renewed its corporate image.
In 2018, started the partnership with Faurecia in the Easy2fit project.
In 2019, Veneporte launched its range of oval diesel particulate filters from Volkswagen group. It was nominee for the final phase of the International Grand Prix for Automotive Innovation of Equipauto. During this year, Veneporte inaugurated its new facilities.
The start of this decade, Veneporte formalized the supply contract for its range of particulate filters with the Renault group for the aftermarket. Veneporte presented it´s new corporate video, that shows the company’s reality. Veneporte provides to the aftermarket its new Euro 6 range, including new catalytic converters, new particle filters and especially SCR`s (Selective Catalytic Reduction). In 2021, Veneporte expanded its range of Euro 6 products.
We believe that are created the conditions to Veneporte, in an increasingly consistent way, and together with all its distributors, increase its importance in the different markets where operates.
It’s left to us work so that in the next years we can reinforce the results obtained until now.