This year, besides the reinforcement of the EURO 5 range in the different exhaust system components, Veneporte provided to the aftermarket the EURO 6 range, where are included the new Catalytic Converters, Particulate Filters, and especially, the SCR’s.
Interviewed by Jornal das Oficinas, Abílio Cardoso, Veneporte CEO, highlights the company’s unprecedented evolution, in a year afflicted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The accumulated experience over more than 50 years of activity in OEM/OES projects that is carried to the aftermarket, as well as being a Global Range Supplier, confer to Veneporte a leader status in the manufacturing of exhaust system components. Has permanently in stock over 160.000 pieces, which enables having a quick response for any part of the world.
What differentiates Veneporte’s products from other brands in the aftermarket?
Fundamentally the quality and the fact that 100% of the manufactured and commercialized products by Veneporte are homologated according to the ruling directives, which is a strong signal of confidence to all customers. For many years, we carried to the aftermarket (IAM) the knowledge and learning we gathered with our OEM and OES customers, not only at the product development but also at the processes’ control level. The result is the development and manufacturing of products very close to the originals and strongly recognized by our customers.
In 2019, Veneporte recorded a 7% growth in its sales compared to the year before. What is the forecast for this year?
Naturally, the Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on the company’s activity, recorded particularly between the end of March and the beginning of May. However, we are compensating for the loss of that period with an excellent recovery, notably after June. In case of not having another confinement moment, we believe that we will end the year with great results.
2019 was marked by the new facilities inauguration. What is the added value to the company with the facilities remodeling?
The new facilities brought better work conditions to Veneporte’s employees, and naturally, it created a more interactive dynamic between the different teams and with fantastic results. On the other hand, it also enabled reinforcing the company’s image with our customers.
In a study about IAM Brands Notoriety in Portugal, Veneporte excels in the Exhausts, Catalytic Converters, and Diesel Particulate Filters category. What represents this result to Veneporte?
It is a clear sign of recognition from our customers regarding the work developed in Veneporte, not only concerning the quality of the manufactured products but also the commercial strategy implemented. We continue to work so our customers recognize us as a company that manufactures products of high quality and of reference in the sector.
At the beginning of this year, Veneporte officialized a supply contract of its particulate filters range with Renault Group to the aftermarket. What is the meaning of the agreement to Veneporte?
New contracts with OEM/OES customers are always important, and surely, the recognition of our technical and technological capabilities. This contract with Renault is for us naturally important, not only because it reinforces our commercial relationship with the brand, but most importantly because we are talking about a range of products with a high technical and technological level. Certainly, it is only possible if we are at the level of what is best done in this sector, which leaves us always satisfied and with the aspiration to continue our path, the path of quality.
And the partnership with TecAlliance? In what it consists? Which are the advantages and added value to customers?
The partnership with TecAlliance allows our customers to use the B2B Order Manager platform. They can check stock availability, query prices and place orders automatically, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, without needing to perform any other contact with us. Thanks to this tool, the communication with our business partners in managing the supply chain gets simpler, creating a more automatized, effective, and efficient relationship.
Some European countries announced that they pretend to end the selling of vehicles with combustion engines already from 2025. In front of this reality, what does Veneporte pretend to do with the exhaust system business? Do you intend to diversify the activity or keep in the sector?
Veneporte is wary of the sector’s evolution, particularly to the “combustion engines vs electric” evolution. We prospect that combustion engines will yet have a life period of a few decades, but naturally, we are attentive to this change and the growth of the electric. Hereupon, we are already organizing our structure so we can reform part of the company’s business in the medium-term. We can advance that we are working on a new business area that we believe will turn into reality in the next year. For this new business area, we count on the support of some colleges from Coimbra University. Certainly, over 2021, we will give more details regarding this project.
Every product range produced by Veneporte is homologated. What are the risks of using non-homologated components?
In our opinion, there is a huge risk. By using non-homologated components, the garages and workshops are compromising vehicles performance and correct operation and potentializing an aggravation of the particles’ emissions levels, contributing severely to public health. It is important to enhance that we are talking about products that do not respect the requirements demanded to original equipment nor the directives imposed by the European Union for aftermarket products. The installation of non-homologated equipment is subject to fines and the responsibility not only falls over the final customer but also over who provided the service. It is regrettable that in Portugal, nonetheless the many alerts given to the responsible authorities, it is not carried any inspection, allowing practices strongly harmful to the environment and public health, which are in many cases bounded as a public crime. Veneporte is always available to give its contribution to eliminating these dreadful practices. Those practices clash with our DNA.
The public opinion is still unaware of the exhaust gases CO2 emissions. What should be done to enlighten the consumer about the damage caused to the environment by a defective exhaust system?
It should be performed a sensibilization campaign directed not only to the consumers but also to every entity operating in the sector, so they can be elucidated about the extremely negative impacts that this kind of products can provoke to the environment and public health. Besides that kind of action, it would be important that the inspection centers would be rigorous about the particles emissions levels and the responsible entities for supervising the sector developed continuous and strict work. At last, the legislation should be clear and according to the community directives, and that sometimes takes a lot of time to happen.
But the regulations in the Inspection Centres about CO2 and NOx emissions control will change. Do you consider that will be finally possible to identify defective catalytic converters and particulate filters through the vehicles’ Technical Inspection?
Effectively, there is a regulation in that way, and as I said before, we hope that the rigor and control level of this kind of product to be clearly changed. We are talking about products/components that if not adequate, can be strongly harmful to the environment and public health, which is in our opinion, a matter that should have strict control in all inspection centers. The levels of CO2, NOx, and Particle emitted by a vehicle that goes through an inspection must be clearly controlled, otherwise, all bad practices will keep existing and the sector will continue to give a bad example and a bad contribute to our country. It can be given important contributions, but if there is not a clear action against these serious situations, we all be losing: companies, people (health), and the environment.
It is a social problem that should deserve more attention from everyone and not from some. The responsible politicians and operatives for this matter should be more wary and reactive, also because they were already warned a few times about the severity of this situation.